Sunday, November 8, 2009

I've only been back to the blogging world a short time and already had so much to I thought sheepishly I should have done this blog first considering it's the most important one of all...and before you think my head is too big, I say quickly, it's the most important because it's not my words but the words of the almighty God, who never makes mistakes, never fails and always gives us the best advice in any situation! Amazing huh?!?

These are my 2 favorite bible passages and why I have grown to love them so:

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:22

Seems so simple yet when you sit and dwell on it, it really will and can change your life! I am so weak and forgetful of this truth, that even in the hardships, even when all around me seems hopeless and empty; he has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, and that should give me HOPE knowing he has MY future in his almighty and loving hands! INCREDIBLE! It moves me to tears just thinking of it! MY future, he knows me by name and has plans for MY life! I love it! I am humbled by it and I am so thankful for it! What's more amazing is that he has your life and plans for you too dear ones, he holds you in the palm of his loving hand and wants you to have hope in him! Believe in him today, grab ahold of his out stretched hand while the day to do so is here! I love you! I want you there standing beside me in his presence!

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

I grew up with this verse, I have memorized so many chapters and verses in the Bible because in my family that was required but the gravity of this verse didn't hit me until this move here to MO, during a particulary trying day, when I thought; "I can't do this, my body hurts, I am soaking wet, my husband is stuck on post, there is a tornado 2 miles from here, I can't do this" in that moment this verse jumped into my mind...and I remember thinking "yeh yeh yeh right ok sure I got it" but it wouldnt' go away so I said it out loud and for the first time in my life; I HEARD IT!

It doesn't say "some things", it doesn't say "most things" it says;
" ALL THINGS" In that moment I called out "all things lord, you said all things!" I pleaded with him thru my tears and pain to show me that all things could be done by calling for his strength in me! I'm sure you can guess since this is a favorite verse that I felt his promises to me, I did it, I got it done and I can't even take any credit for it, it was ALL of him, it was him coming to me and giving me his strength and promise!

How many times have a missed the promises and blessings of the Lord simply because I don't ask him for them or I don't claim them in his name?

He is God who loves his people like a father loves his children, he wants us to come to him, he wants to bless us! If only we would daily remember to come and plead for his blessings and help in our lives!


  1. Philippians 4:13 is my favorite in fact it appears on my screen whenever I turn on my phone.

    My other favorite is Psalms 118:14 which says The LORD is my strength and my song and is become my salvation.

    Great post! hope to see more inspirational ones like this

    The Almighty Squish

  2. I like this one. I really wish I had your faith. I really didn't like going to curch due my mother forcing me to go as a child. Still really haven't found a place here to go to at all. But I love your faith you have. :-) Another good blog as always.
